Future Turf Managers Initiative (FTMI) - Supported by Jacobsen and Power Turf
We will advise then the next FTMI intake is open for applications - This will be approx August 2025.
In the meanwhile the below information will give you a idea and outline as to what the FTMI is about and what is involved.
The Future Turf Managers Initiative (FTMI) is a world-wide program developed and operated by Jacobsen, successfully delivering education to future leaders in the turf industry. Together, the NZGCSA, ASTMA and Jacobsen have been offering this highly successful training opportunity to Australian and New Zealand turf management staff since 2016 with over 175 candidates selected to be a part of the program to date and with almost half of all participants in the past 5 years being promoted onto a more senior role.
FTMI Program Details
The FTMI Program is completely FREE for all participants
The FTMI program focuses on personal and professional development, rather than agronomy based subjects and provides those involved access to industry experts, leading facilitators, mentors and trainers. It is an intensive program that is designed to give a clear understanding of what is required to be a manager and the skills needed to achieve that goal.
A Focus on Professional Development
The FTMI made up of a combined online learning and face to face education model, taking place over 5 months.
Example of content that may be covered in the FTMI workshops include:
Presentation Skills
Effective Communication
Leadership and Professionalism
Interview Preparation and Techniques
Developing a Resume
Working with and leading a team
Financial Acumen - Building and Managing a Budget
Becoming a Leader
Sessions will be presented by keynote speakers, established and respected superintendents/course managers (mentors) and other industry professionals. Content and the agenda will be determined by the ASTMA and Jacobsen and alters from year to year to keep pace with industry expectations and travel guidelines.
The hybrid delivery model requires a commitment from participants that they will attend all online sessions and the two and half day face to face team building and graduation event in Melbourne. This commitment will include on line training during normal work hours in Australia so may be outside normal work hours due to time difference for NZGCSA attendees. At the completion of the online component there will be face to face workshops, team building exercises and a graduation dinner and ceremony which will be in Australia.
Some more information is available by following the link https://www.astma.com.au/education/future-turf-managers-initiative-ftmi/
Note: NZGCSA eligibility criteria is slightly different to the ASTMA candidate eligibility criteria.
NZGCSA Candidates need to:
Be a NZGCSA member.
Be currently employed on a golf course.
Superintendent nominations are restricted to those with less than 5 years Superintendent level experience, or those who manage a staff of fewer than 3.
Have the full support of your employer and manager to take part in the program.
Hold a current Passport and be eligible to be able to enter Australia for the graduation.
The following process is followed for applications:
Complete and submit the online form - link will be provided when applications are open.
To see a copy of the questions https://www.astma.com.au/public/49/files/Education/FTMI/Applicant%20Questions%202025.pdf
Advise your employer/Manager that they will be receiving a email asking them to fill in a supporting commitment form (that outlines the expectations and to confirm the workplace support for you to take part in the program)
Complete your application by the closing date. Applications are only considered when both the fully completed application form and the supporting letter from your referee have been received.